Join us for Open House and meet your child's teacher on Thursday, August 1st.
5 days ago, Mr. Casteel, Principal
There is still time to register for this year's Learning Loss Bridge Camp!
2 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
learning loss flyer
This year's "Marching into Spring Attendance" contest has come to a close! Our overall winner (whose class spelled all the words!) is Mrs. Wiseman's homeroom, who celebrated with an ice cream and donut party. Second place is shared by Mrs. Hooper and Mr. Privett's homeroom, who celebrated with an ice cream party! We also celebrated other students who were recognized for perfect attendance as well as students whose high attendance put them into a drawing for a prize! EKB is proud of our students and their dedication to attending school each day.
2 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
bulletin board
girl smiling
boy with certificate
girl with certificate
boy with certificate
boy with certificate
boy smiling
4th and 5th grade field day was full of fierce competition and fun! Mrs. Wiseman's 5th grade homeroom was declared the winner of this year's field day. We had a great week of field days, and we look forward to an even better week next year!
2 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
student hula hooping
student smiling
student smiling
students hula hooping
tug of war game
tug of war game
student group photo
student group photo
student group photo
student group photo
2nd and 3rd grade field day was a huge hit! These kiddos had a blast, and we loved watching them compete and have fun! Our overall winner with over 70 points was Mrs. Beaty's 3rd grade class!
2 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
students smiling
students smiling
student playing
student smiling
students running
students playing
students smiling
students smiling
students smiling
students running
We are gearing up for our graduations and awards ceremonies here at EKB!
2 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
K-1st Grade Field Day was a BLAST! Everyone showed up ready to compete and have fun! Our overall winner was Mrs. Dake's first grade homeroom. Way to go, K-1st grade students!!!
2 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
child holding spoon
child smiling
students smiling in line
students smiling in line
students playing
students playing
students playing games
students running
students playing
students playing
We had a great first day of field day! Our middle schoolers showed up for a fierce and spirit-filled competition. Though it was a close race, Mr. Privett's class won with 41 points!
2 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
class photo
class photo
students playing archery
students running
students posing
students holding spoons in a race
students riding on scooters
students planking
students playing basketball
students playing volleyball
Our middle school had a FANTASTIC day at Main Event last week! We played almost every game in the building and had a great pizza lunch. It was awesome to have such a great group all together!
2 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
students smiling
students smiling
students in a game
student playing game
students playing game
students smiling
students smiling
students smiling
students on screen
student playing game
Learning Loss Bridge Camp for this summer is still enrolling! Contact us at 423-745-2760 for more information!
3 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
learning loss flyer
Check out this awesome opportunity at MCHS!
3 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
tribe summer camp flyer
The 7th grade "Friendship Lunch Group" celebrated with a special field trip to Western Sizzlin' (with cheesecake and cookies for dessert!) and the park. These students have joined together each week for lunch group where they have built relationships with one another and have learned cooperation, collaboration, and communication skills. We are so proud of these kiddos!
3 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
students on playground
students smiling g
students on playground
We would like to wish our wonderful principal, Mr. Casteel, and very HAPPY Principal Appreciation Day! We are so grateful to have Mr. Casteel leading our school. Mr. Casteel is always looking for new ways to motivate students as well and build meaningful relationships with them. He cultivates an environment where all students, families, faculty, and staff feel welcome, safe, and valuable. We are thankful for his commitment to our school and to the well-being of our EK Baker family. The support of our principal and his family makes our school run successfully. Thank you, Mr. Casteel!
3 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
principal with family
Congratulations to our 2nd-8th grade TCAP Prize Winners!!! Students who exhibited effort and great attendance had chances to win these awesome prizes, and each student who won was very deserving! We'd like to give another THANK YOU to our community sponsors who made these prizes possible: Vulcan, Zion Hill Baptist Church, Kevin Goins, Joseph Malone, Sharon Brown State Farm, Steve Songer State Farm, Herb’s Heating and Air, Bowater Credit Union, and Ware’s Heating and Cooling We are happy to be ending the year with a fantastic and successful TCAP week and are ready to celebrate with field trips and fun!
3 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
students smiling
student picking prize
Student running
students at table
students at table
students sitting and smiling
teachers picking students for prizes
teachers picking students for prizes
We attended our final perfect attendance lunch of the school year at Clearwater! Students enjoyed a FANTASTIC meal of Chic-fil-A, played movie bingo, and played outside. We are so grateful to our Clearwater family for their generosity, kindness, and willingness to celebrate our kiddos. Thank you!
3 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
photo of students
students sitting
student and teacher sitting
students sitting
students sitting
students sitting and standing
students sitting
students crossing their arms
students eating
students eating
Happy Secretary's Day to our two wonderful secretaries! Thank you for all you do for EKB!
3 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
flyer for secretaries day
Congratulations to our E.K. Baker Youth Leadership Award Recipients! Students were chosen based on applications, essays, and recommendations. We are so proud of how well these students represent EKB! Congratulations to Sheila Rodriguez, Ayden Brewer, Kaylen Leekley, and Madlin Lynn!
3 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
photo of students
student photo
students standing
student on stage
student on stage
student on stage
student on stage
We are officially one week into TCAP testing! E.K. Baker students have worked extremely hard this past week, and we are so proud of their efforts! Here's a flashback to our TCAP Pep Rally that helped students get ready for the big test!
3 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
teacher with pie in face
teachers lined up to be pied in face
teachers getting pie in face
teacher with pie in face
kids smiling
kids playing games
students playing games
students smiling
students smiling
students smiling
Here at E.K. Baker, we strive for academic excellence, achievement, and growth. We also strive to remind students how much believe in them and how proud we are to serve them, and this year, we are doing that by offering some really awesome reward opportunities! Next week, we will be giving away these amazing prizes in a drawing, and students have the opportunity to earn chances to win through their attendance and effort this TCAP week! We want to give another special thanks to the following community sponsors who have helped make this opportunity a reality for our kiddos! Thank you to Vulcan, Zion Hill Baptist Church, Kevin Goins, Joseph Malone, Sharon Brown State Farm, Steve Songer State Farm, Herb’s Heating and Air, Bowater Credit Union, and Ware’s Heating and Cooling. We appreciate you!
3 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
electronics on a table
#StudentSpotlight In honor of TCAP, these students have been spreading notes of encouragement, motivation, and positivity throughout the school. Our Yellow Jackets have worked extremely hard this week as they take state testing, and we are thankful to have students who are going the extra mile to help encourage others to do their best and to let them know what a great job they're doing!
3 months ago, E.K. Baker Elementary
girls standing in front of bulletin board